The Program

The Program

__ is a program whose goal is to provide high schoolers a selection of individualized, well-rounded activities with the goal of succeeding in the computer science and software engineering fields. To be more specific, our program can help you:

  • Get your university acceptance
  • Land an internship in high school
  • Get your first co-op job in university
  • Excel in mathematics and computer science competitions

We offer individualized mentorship / guidance in:

  • Mathematics competitions (with a focus on Waterloo’s math contests e.g. Euclid, CSMC, Fermat, Hypatia)
  • Computing competitions (with a focus on Waterloo’s Canadian Computing Competition)
  • High school internships
  • University applications / admissions

Scroll down for details, or Register.


__ will run year-round, but no yearly commitment is required. We aim to take in a cohort of around 20 students to provide individualized guidance and mentorship.

Contest Lessons

Contest (math and computer science) lessons will be taught by our highly-qualified teachers and will run once a week. The goal of lessons is to place an emphasis on consistency and improving problem-solving skills rather than a focus on advanced concepts. Problem-solving skills are essential for competitions such as the Euclid and CCC, moreso than advanced concepts. As such, we will be doing individualized practice check-ins and Q&A sessions on top of the problem-solving-based lessons.

Other Guidance

Aside from contest lessons, we also provide guidance in acquiring internships, participating in relevant extracurriculars, and university admissions.



Marcus Chong

  • Mathematics National Scholarship recipient ($15k, early admission to UW CS)
  • 3x CCC Senior Honour Roll
  • CCO Qualifier (Top 1%) in 2021 (67/75 on CCC Senior)
  • Google Code-In 2019 Runner-Up

Vishnu Satish

  • Admitted to Software Engineering early at University of Waterloo
  • 2x CCC Senior Honour Roll
  • Top 2% on CCC in 2023 (48/75 on CCC Senior)
  • Interned at University of Waterloo and two startups in high school


Kevin Yang: Computer Science

  • Mathematics National Scholarship recipient ($25k, early admission to UW CS)
  • Perfect score on CCC Senior 2021 and 2022 (rank 1 of 2,700+)
  • CCO 2022 silver medallist (~7th in Canada)
  • 3-time Canadian Math Olympiad qualifier (top ~1% in Canada)
  • Qualified to write Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad
  • 3-time qualifier for American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME)

Benjamin Dong: Mathematics

  • 97/100 (Top 7 in Canada) on 2022 Euclid Mathematics Competition
  • 4x AIME qualifier and honours on AMC 8, 10, 12
  • 65.5/80 on COMC (Direct CMO qualification & Bronze Award–Grade 11 Central Ontario)
  • Silver Medal in British Physics Olympiad

Crystal Zhang (Essays)

  • Fellow at the Apollo Fellowship, a selective zero-cost EA-aligned debate program hosted in Oxford
  • Finalist at Canadian National Debate Championship, qualifying for Oxbridge Schools Finals Day
  • DECA ICDC Finalist
  • 2022 McGill Annual BP Debate Tournament Champion


Registration is on a case-by-case basis. Please fill out this form and we will get back to you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at for questions, concerns, or more details.